Redstone builders

Redstone Engineers in Minecraft


Learn to construct intricate structures and solve challenges using Redstone in Minecraft. Create automatic doors, lighting systems, logistical chains, electrical circuits, and much more in the School of Gaming's Minecraft Redstone Engineers group.

With only 39€/month you get a weekly lesson (1.5h) and an access to all our community events.
Join school of gaming!

What to expect?

  • Engaging activities that foster problem-solving and logical thinking within a great group
  • Projects have no single correct solution; diverse approaches lead to the end result. Enhances creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • In the group, learning to consider others' ideas and confidently expressing one's own visions are key. This aids in the world of education and future workplaces.
  • This group serves as a valuable introduction to technology and various fundamental principles of physics, providing a smoother transition to exploring the basics of programming and robotics.

Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Join the School of Gaming's Minecraft Redstone Engineers group and learn to master Redstone, Minecraft's equivalent of electrical circuits.

If you want to advance your skills in Minecraft, Redstone is the way to go. Automatic doors, switch-controlled lights, self-sustaining cities, and robotic farms – all become possible with Redstone. The easiest way to think of Redstone is as Minecraft's version of electrical components. Redstone components, like levers, function like switches in real-world devices, and Redstone dust is placed in the game similar to electrical wires.

We assist the Chief Engineer of Fox Den in his visions. The city needs to build a railway and tram network, for instance. And how can we ensure sustainable energy supply for our campus area? Maybe we should construct a wind turbine park on the highest peak of Hut Peak? Speaking of parks, Laama Valley Amusement Park needs more rides! A ghost train, roller coaster, and underwater world are all on the list. Can you come up with more contraptions?

While it might seem relatively simple, Redstone components can be used to build incredibly intricate combinations. One young English gamer even built a functional graphic calculator using Redstone! Gamers interested in technology, electronics, and robotics can create almost anything in Redstone. The club combines a culture of experimentation, learning through mistakes, and a relaxed atmosphere. Sometimes, the solution and the best outcome come from daring to try crazy combinations!

If you're interested in technology, electronics, and robotics, the Minecraft Redstone Engineers group is the perfect place for you.

Minecraft Megabuilders - Learn to master Redstone and build complex structures in Minecraft with School of Gaming!

Which type of gamer is the lesson a perfect fit?

For those who want to dig deeper into Minecraft and learn new tricks and skills using the versatile Restone.
Join in for 39€/month.
General info about all the lessons:

Games used in this lesson:

Minecraft Java

Minecraft Java Edition is rated E for Everyone
