Our prices took a tumble!

Our office clerk took a tumble while playing tag on the school corridor with the gamers. Now you can play tag with our dizzying January discounts while she recuperates.

Dizzying January Discounts

For new customers only.

3 months with the price of two

for normal priced clubs.

If you purchase three months at once you get them with the price of two.

Using coupon code HIPATON120 your one-time purchase drops from 180€ to 120€.

First month with half the price

for normal priced clubs.

Very affordable way to try if gaming club is a suitable addition to your hobby palette.

Using coupun code HIPATON50 takes off 50% of the first month fee without the dazed treasury dragon noticing reducing it from 59€ to 29,50€.

Why School of Gaming?

Our school is definitely the most fun around.

Children engage so much in their activities that they barely notice they're in the middle of a class.
We don't encourage our gamers to outdo each other. The pressures and expectations they face are already plenty.
Our goal is to help gamers uncover a passion for learning by involving them in the activities they naturally enjoy.

Fun lessons

Learn 21st century skills as you play. Kids get to be kids.

Safe playground

Zero tolerance for bullying and toxic behaviour.

New friends

Children build genuine and lasting friendships online.

How to start

You can join SoG anytime and at any level. We have suitable groups for all ages and skill levels.

By clicking the icons you can learn more about different lesson types.

check out our weekly schedule

Become a Gamer.

To attend the weekly lessons our gamers log in to our communication server where they are greeted by their own game educator (aka. Gedu).

Gedu guides them through the day's topic, be it Minecraft adventure, coding exercises or Fortnite esports class.

Between classes the gamers get various fun challenges to do online and/or offline.

During holidays we organize online camps and every week there are other fun community events, tournaments and competitions.

find a suitable club to join